Member success at The Money Group.

Dedicated brand

Our members have their own brand. It's their business so they can express their firm how they see fit. We can offer advice and guidance, but it's down to you.


As a part of The Money Group, you can run your business how you think it should be run, we're here to help with support and encourage you to progress.


One thing the firms in TMG have in common is that they all grow. Surrounded by like minded people and with an abundance of resources - it would be hard not to.

This time last year I was just busy broker. Today, I am still busy, but busy building a future - for myself and my family.

I am the most recent partner with The Money Croup, and I am here for one reason and one reason only – my dissatisfaction with the industry.

I love my job and the work we do, but I have, for a number of years, begun to resent the environment in which I have had to do it. This is in no way reflective of the great companies I have worked for in the past but more on the wider aspects or the industry as these are the parts can’t control, so to be working together alongside like-minded people, drives a more powerful presence for me and my firm within the mortgage market. I am here to make a difference, not just to make up the numbers. It is also refreshing when my ideas are supported, and when I ask fellow shareholders to jump, they ask not why, but how I feel. I feel valued because my opinions

are taken on board, respected, and encouraged and now, how do I see my future, compared to before ? Well. I was happy, but
bored and I felt unable to grow and to move to the next level. I love the fact that can now make mv own decisions that benefit me and mv company, but in the knowledge that I do so with the support of an established and trusted Group who are there for me 24/7. This time last year I was just a busy broker. Today I am still busy but busy building a future for myself and my family.

Myself and lan had worked together, prior to the financial crisis in 2008, after which we went our separate ways for a number of ears. After a few loose meetings, we decided that the time was right to do something together again. 

We discussed various options and narrowed it down to two, going DA ourselves or join The Money Group. We had both experienced being part of a network before and decided that we wanted the freedom of going DA. lan had mentioned he had seen what Scott and Martin were doing and I agreed that it seemed like a great option – one that was almost too good to be true.

For us the main attraction was the fact that we could hit the ground running, we were both leaving companies that would retain the client bank, so we needed to start earning money and building a new client bank as quickly as possible.

We were given the option to join the group as an Authorised Representative (AR). This meant that we could write business immediately, whilst our Direct Authorisation (DA) application was being processed: something that was taken care of by the group, so we could focus on building our own brand and building back up our earnings.

One year on, and Teesside Money is now firmly established, directly authorised by the FCA and employing 4 staff. We have also recently opened new premises just off the High Street and which was opened by the Mayor or lees Valley.

If someone told us, this time last year, that all or these would happen, we would have laughed in disbelief. But with such support and willingness for us to succeed, by everyone within the group, it has happened, and we are set to go from strength to strength.

One year on and Teeside Money is now firmly established, directly authorised by the FCA, employing over 4 staff. We have just opened a new premises.

I am building the brand and the business as I see fit and I know that for the first time in my career, I'm now working in an environment that cares.

I entered the industry two 2 years after the financial crisis crash. As a result of being made redundant from a management role. It was 2009, and back then, I just needed an opportunity. which I found via an estate agency network. I had a massive culture shock, and after six months, I nearly gave it all up. The sales environment didn’t sit right with me: constantly reporting figures to someone who had to justify their job. the unethical practices that were expected to get numbers on a board, and was based in one or the poorest towns in England.

But I knew it was a means to an end, so I stuck it out and joined a large national firm on a self-employed basis. Although I knew that wasn’t the end game, I liked the idea of being in control of my own destiny – financially. This new role gave me the opportunity to create my own client bank, with enough freedom to do business as I saw fit. But something was still missing. I didn’t feel the empowerment I wanted. I had bigger ideas, I wanted something I could call my own. Then the business was sold and I thought, ‘What about us brokers. do we not deserve a share in this success?’ Apparently not. and then it dawned on me, I am still just another number.

Then, in another fortunate turn of events, I made a contact with Martin on Twitter We had tweeted each other for a while and when I found out that he had started London Money Loans with Scott, who I already had a good relationship with. I immediately made arrangements to meet them both, as I was once again feeling disillusioned and wanted to see what they had to offer. 

Here I am, 12 months later, running Manchester Monev. I am building the brand and the business as I see fit, and know that I am, for the first time in my career, now working in an environment that cares as much about me, as a person, as it does about the business side of things.

Create your own success story.

Create your own success story by joining The Money Group and becoming a member of our network. All you need to do is hit ‘get started’.